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Approximate box decomposition trees

Arya et al. have presented an algorithm for approximate nearest neighbor search and proved its optimality [3]. They use a balanced box decomposition tree (bd-tree) as their primary data structure. This tree combines two important properties of geometric data structures: First, as in the k-d tree case, the set of points is exponentially reduced. Second, the aspect ratio of the tree edges is bounded by a constant. Not even the optimized k-d tree is able to make this assurance, but quadtrees show this characteristic [3]. The actual box decomposition search tree is composed of splits and shrinks. Fig. 3 (c) shows the general structure.

Figure 3: Left: The $ (1 + {\varepsilon })$-approximate nearest neighbor. The solid circle denotes the $ {\varepsilon }$ environment of $ \mathbf{p}_q$. The search algorithm need not analyze the gray cell, since $ \mathbf{p}$ satisfies the approximation criterion. Middle and right: (a) Given point set. (b) decomposition into buckets. (c) Tree layout. Fig. adapted from [2,3].
Image apxnn Image bdtree

The search procedure of bd-trees is similar to the one of approximate k-d trees. The approximate search is discontinued (cf. Fig. 3) if the distance to the unanalyzed leaves is larger than

$\displaystyle \left\lvert\left\lvert \mathbf{p}_q - \mathbf{p} \right\rvert\right\rvert /(1+{\varepsilon }).

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root 2007-05-31