Removing non-static objects from 3D laser scan data


For the purpose of visualization and further post-processing of 3D point cloud data, it is often desirable to remove moving objects from a given data set. Common examples for these moving objects are pedestrians, bicycles and motor vehicles in outdoor scans or manufactured goods and employees in indoor scans of factories. We present a new change detection method which is able to partition the points of multiple registered 3D scans into two sets: points belonging to stationary (static) objects and points belonging to moving (dynamic) objects. Our approach does not require any object detection or tracking the movement of objects over time. Instead, we make use of a ray-tracing technique through a voxel grid to find differences in volumetric occupancy. We apply our approach to scan slices from mobile mapping and extend it to the more generalized scenario of terrestrial scan data. Our solution achieves similar quantitative results in terms of F1-score as competing methods while at the same time being faster.

Full pdf: schauer-isprs2018-removing.pdf

Code and data

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Or without git, download the repository as a tarball: isprs2018.tar.gz

The repository contains a script and a with further instructions of how to run the script. The code was tested on Debian Stretch but should work on other systems as well.


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