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Labeling Surface Points in Single Scans.

Based on the idea by Wulf et al. [32] we have designed an algorithm for labeling floor points in 3D scans. This is done by computing the gradient between a point $ \V p_{i,j} =
(\phi _i, r_{i,j}, z_{i,j})$, given in a cylindrical coordinate system, and its $ k$-th neighbor in measurement order within the vertical sweep plane, i.e., a search region around $ \phi _i$, according to the following equation (cf.. 3 middle, vertical cylindrical coordinate system):

$\displaystyle \alpha_{i,j}=\arctan\left(\frac{z_{i,j}-z_{i,j-k}}{r_{i,j}-r_{i,j-k}}\right)$    


$\displaystyle -\frac{1}{2}\pi\leq\alpha_{i,j}<\frac{3}{2}\pi$    
$\displaystyle end{tex2html_deferred},.$    

In comparison with a fixed threshold $ \tau$ (here: $ \tau =
20^\circ$), each 3D point is assigned to one of the following three groups, which has proved to be robust against uneven and non-horizontal ground:

      1. ¯
$ \tau\leq\alpha_{i,j}\leq\pi-\tau$:  ¯

1. $ \alpha_{i,j}<\tau$: $ \V p_{i,j}$ is aground point

2. $ \tau\leq\alpha_{i,j}\leq\pi-\tau$: $ \V p_{i,j}$ is an objectpoint

3. $ \pi-\tau<\alpha_{i,j}$: $ \V p_{i,j}$is a ceiling point
Figure: Left: 3D scan planes due to the rotation of the 2D laser range finder vs. 3D sweep planes. Right: Interpretation example: One vertical sweep plane.
\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{sweepplanes} \includegraphics[width=0.32\linewidth]{vertical}

A result of the ground segmentation is displayed in Fig. 4. The classification of a scan point as ``ground'' based on its neighborhood instead of performing a simple height comparison is essential due to potential inaccuracy in the scanner mount calibration and unknown starting pose, namely, the pitch angle of the robot, as well as the significant unevenness of the terrain.

Absolute height values of points do come into play when nearby drivable surface points are to be merged into one large drivable area. Our point classification scheme leaves the possibility open that two nearby points in a 3D model are both correctly labeled ground, but are of significant difference in absolute height, such as on the two horizontal neighborhoods of a vertical cliff. This needs to be checked when growing neighboring ground points to drivable surfaces, as described next.

Figure 4: Left: A single outdoor 3D scan of a gravel path in the Botanical Garden. Note that the path is uneven. Middle: Areas (triangles) between neighboring surface points all labeled drivable are shaded in blue. Note first that the area in front is very dense with surface points, which are all labeled drivable. Note second that there are some disconnected patches of surface points in and behind the path shoulder. Right: View into the model from the same virtual view point as before, but with the next scans along the path registered. Sufficiently large areas sufficiently dense with drivable surface points are filled with blue. (Again, the area in front is completely drivable.) Note that the next scan has been taken too far away from the one in front to connect the drivable surface areas, so some of the objectively drivable path remains unlabeled here for lack of point density.
\fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{a2}}    \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{a1}}    \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{b2}}   

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root 2006-03-16