The presented work introduces a simulation of KURT2 robots using USARSIM. The simulation is based on the computer game Unreal Tournament 2004. Excellent 3D graphic and physical simulation make a seamless integration in already existing robot control architectures possible. We have strictly followed the principle for simulating device drivers, resulting in the need for four standard PCs for simulation, where two computers are used for the robot and interface software, respectively. We provide a truly realistic simulation environment for beta-testing our real robots, and experiment with new control software or simulations of sensors that you don't have yet physically. This is the goal towards which we have worked, given that we keep participating in the Real Robot league (Kurt3D in 2004 [4]; Deutschland1 in 2005 [5]).
Unfortunately, these results cannot be used in the RoboCup Rescue Virtual Robots league. We started to join USARSIM community with our original Kurt3D software, into which the simulator is integrated. Kurt3D's software development has lasted for 6 years, and is jointly developed with the Fraunhofer Institute AIS and with RTS, University of Hannover. The software underlies regulations and cannot be made available to the public, as it is demanded in the current rules. However, parts of it, namely the complete Unreal parts as well as the interface to our robot are available on our website.
Moreover, we believe that the Rescue Virtual Robots league should focus on the seamless integration of real robot control software with the simulator. It does not make sense to develop programs just for driving a robot in an Unreal environment, without have the link to real robots.
Needless to say, a lot of work remains to be done. In future work, we plan