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Extracting Semantic Information

The basic idea of labelling 3D points with semantic information is to use the gradient between neighbouring points to differ between three categories, i.e., floor-, object- and ceiling-points. A 3D point cloud that is scanned in a yawing scan configuration, can be described as a set of points $ \V p_{i,j} =
(\phi_i,r_{i,j},z_{i,j})^T$ given in a cylindrical coordinate system, with $ i$ the index of a vertical raw scan and $ j$ the point index within one vertical raw scan counting bottom up. The gradient $ \alpha_{i,j}$ is calculated by the following equation:

$\displaystyle \tan \alpha_{i,j}= \frac{z_{i,j}-z_{i,j-1}}{r_{i,j}-r_{i,j-1}}$   with$\displaystyle \quad -\frac{1}{2}\pi \leq \alpha_{i,j} <

The classification of point $ \V p_{i,j}$ is directly derived from the gradient $ \alpha_{i,j}$:

 1. ceiling-points: ¯
 1.   floor-points:  
$ \alpha_{i,j} < \tau$

2. object-points: $ \tau \leq \alpha_{i,j} \leq \pi - \tau$
3. ceiling-points: $ \pi - \tau < \alpha_{i,j}$
with a constant $ \tau$ that depends on the maximal ascent being accessible by the robot (here: $ \tau = 20^\circ$).

Applied to real data, this simple definition causes two problems. As can be seen in Fig. [*](a) noisy range data can lead to wrong classifications of floor- and ceiling-points. Changing the differential quotient as follows solves this problem:

$\displaystyle \tan \alpha_{i,j}= \frac{z_{i,j}-z_{i,j-k}}{r_{i,j}-r_{i,j-k}}$    

with $ k \in \N , k \geq 1$ the smallest number so that

$\displaystyle \sqrt{(r_{i,j} - r_{i,j-k})^2+(z_{i,j} - z_{i,j-k})^2} >

for a constant $ d_{\text{min}}$ depending on the scanner's depth accuracy $ \sigma$ (here: $ \sigma$ = 30 mm, $ d_{\text{min}} = 2\sigma$).

Figure: Extracting semantic information using a slice of a 3D scan. (a) Problems with simple gradiant definition, marked with circles. (b) Problems with jump edges. (c) Correct semantic classification.
(a) \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{semantic_information_a}}

(b) \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{semantic_information_b}}

\includegraphics[width=45mm]{semantic_information_a} \includegraphics[width=45mm]{semantic_information_b} \includegraphics[width=30mm]{semantic_information_c}

(a) (b) (c)

The second difficulty is the correct computation of the gradient across jumping edges (see Fig. [*](b)). This problem is solved with a prior segmentation [16], as the gradient $ \alpha_{i,j}$ is only calculated correctly if both points $ \V p_{i,j}$ and $ \V
p_{i,j-k}$ belong to the same segment. The correct classification result can be seen in Fig. [*](c). Fig. [*] shows a 3D scan with the semantic labels.

Figure: Semantically labeled 3D point cloud from a single 360$ ^\circ$ 3D scan. Red points mark the ceiling, yellow points objects, blue points the floor and green points correspond to artefacts from scanning the RTS/ScanDrive and the robot.
\includegraphics[width=40mm]{single_scan_view1} \includegraphics[width=40mm]{single_scan_view2} \includegraphics[width=40mm]{single_scan_view3}

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root 2005-05-03