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Mesh Generation

The 3D scanner gages the environment by a tilt rotation, thus the scan slices are ordered. Furthermore, in every scan slice the data is ordered counterclockwise. So, a simple algorithm creates a triangle mesh by connecting neighboring data points. A threshold for the side length of a triangle is used to handle jump egdes, i.e., a discontinuity on the surface. Larger meshes are created by connecting the $ (i,j)$th neighbor, respectively.

Figure: Left: Schematic illustration of the texture mapping process. Middle and right: Final 3D texture mapping from two different view poses of the scene given in Fig. 2, right.
Image schloss-combi-bw \includegraphics[width=51mm,height=50mm]{texturedCorner} \includegraphics[width=51mm,height=50mm]{texturedCornerZoom}

root 2004-04-16