The mobile robot Kurt3D.
Digital 3D models of the environment are needed in rescue,
exploration and inspection robotics, industrial automation,
facility management, agriculture and architecture. Many robotic
tasks require highly precise environment maps as well. Building
them manually is tedious: Thrun et al. report a time of about one
week hard work for creating a 2D map of the museum in Bonn for
RHINO [26]. It is even harder when 3D maps are
needed, and is getting nearly impossible when mapping general
outdoor environments. Therefore, automatic mapping is crucial in
robotics. Autonomous mobile robots equipped with 3D laser
scanners are well suited for the gaging task
[18]. Contrary to indoor applications, robot poses in
natural outdoor environments also involve pitch, roll and
elevation, turning pose estimation into a problem in six
mathematical dimensions. 6D SLAM [18] considers all of
these six dimensions for the robot pose while generating 3D
maps. In our experiments we use the mobile robot Kurt3D
(Fig. 1, and Fig. 5, left). It is equipped
with a 3D laser scanner, which is built on the basis of a SICK 2D
range finder by extension with a mount and a small servo motor
Mapping autonomously outdoor terrain adds another complication that is not present in typical indoor SLAM: Finding of drivable surfaces ahead. Indoor SLAM can typically assume that the robot may get along and extend its map wherever no obstacle is visible. This strategy has always required some care in the vicinity of staircases, but is good enough in many buildings. In outdoor terrain, actively looking for navigable surface is mandatory, as ragged ground, potholes, or steps are to be expected at any place.
This paper adds to our previous work on 6D SLAM the functionality of detecting geometrically navigable surfaces in the 3D map that is being built. This information may then be used to determine the next pose or poses to steer to. To make the paper self-sufficient, we include a brief review of the complete 6D SLAM process in which the surface interpretation process is embedded; for details of 6D SLAM, please refer to previous publications, i.e., [18,17].