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Item 1: Odometry Extrapolation.

We first extrapolate the odometry readings to all six degrees of freedom using previous registration matrices. The robot pose is the 6-vector $ \V {P} = (x, y, z, \theta_{x}, \theta_{y},
\theta_{z})$ or, equivalently the tuple containing the rotation matrix and translation vector, written as 4$ \times$4 OpenGL-style matrix $ \M P$ [7].1The change of the robot pose $ \Delta \M P$ given the odometry information $ (x_n,z_n,\theta_{y,n})$, $ (x_{n+1},z_{n+1},\theta_{y,n+1})$ and the registration matrix $ \M R({\theta_{x,{n}}}, {\theta_{y,{n}}}, {\theta_{z,{n}}})$ is calculated by solving:

x_{n+1} \\
y_{n+1} \\
z_{n+1} \\
...Delta {\theta_{z,{n+1}}} \\
\end{array}\right).}_{\Delta \V P}\end{displaymath}      

Therefore, calculating $ \Delta \V P$ requires a matrix inversion. Finally, the 6D pose $ \M P_{n+1}$ is calculated by

$\displaystyle \M P_{n+1} = \Delta \M P \cdot \M P_{n}$      

using the poses' matrix representations.

root 2006-03-16