This paper addresses the problem of creating a consistent 3D
scene in a common coordinate system from multiple views. The
proposed algorithms allow to digitize large environments fast
and reliably without any intervention and solve the 6D SLAM
problem. A 360 3D laser scanner acquires data of the
environment and interprets the 3D points online. A fast variant
of the iterative closest points (ICP) algorithm [3]
registers the 3D scans in a common coordinate system and
relocalizes the robot. The registration uses a forest of
d-trees. The resulting approach is highly reliable
and fast, such that it can be applied online to exploration and
mapping in RoboCup Rescue.
The paper is organized as follows: The remainder of this section
describes the state of the art in automatic 3D mapping and presents the
autonomous mobile robot and the used 3D scanner. Section describes briefly the online extraction of semantic
knowledge of the environment, followed by a discussion of the scan
matching using forests of trees (section
). Section
presents experiments and results and concludes.