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Semantic Scene Interpretation

The scene interpretation uses the features, i.e., planes found by the algorithm described in the previous section. The background for interpretation comprises generic architectural knowledge. A model of an indoor scene is implemented as a semantic net based on the idea of Grau et al. (11) and also used by Cantzler et al. (6). Nodes of a semantic net represent entities of the world / model. The relationship between the entities are encoded using different connections. Possible labels of the nodes are $ L=\{\texttt{Wall}, \texttt{Floor},~ \texttt{Ceiling},~
\texttt{Door},~ \texttt{No\_Feature}\}$. The relationships between the features are $ R=\{\texttt{parallel},~
\texttt{orthogonal},~ \texttt{above},~ \texttt{under},\linebreak
\texttt{equal height}\}$. The labels above and under are relative to their plane and hence not commutative. Figure 3 shows the entities and the relation. The reader should notice that in our semantic net a door is an open door. The semantic net can easily be extended to more entities which have be accompanied by a more sophisticated feature detection. This paper concentrates on plane detection so that the semantic net is a subset of all indoor environments.

Figure 3: Semantic net for scene interpretation.
\epsfxsize =8.0cm \epsffile{semantic_net.eps}

A depth first search (backtracking) is implemented to assign the labels to the set of planes $ P$ according to the constraints in the semantic net. The search starts by assigning the first label from $ L$ to the first plane. The second plane is labeled and tested with the constraints given by the net. If all constraints are satisfied the search continues with the next plane. Otherwise backtracking starts with further labels. This process terminates after the whole search tree is tested and all consistent combinations are generated. A consistent labeling exists if each plane is assigned with a label and the model graph is arc consistent. From all consistent labelings our algorithm chooses the labeling that maximizes
$\displaystyle \sum_{p \in P} f(p),$     (3)

where $ f(p) = 0$ if plane $ p$ is assigned to No_Feature, $ f(p) =
1$ if the plane is assigned to Wall, Door, Floor or Ceiling. The maximization of (3) ensures correct labelings containing Floor, Ceiling and Walls with the minimal number of No_Features and requires a complete tree search. The computational expense is reduced by backtracking pruning and reusing (caching) of constraint tests, e.g., the verification that two planes are orthogonal. Especially the constraints "under" and "above" require a distance computation with all points of the plane. Figure 4 shows the interpretation of extracted planes from a point cloud acquired in the GMD Robobench, a standard office environment for the evaluation of autonomous mobile robots. The plane labeled with door is an slightly opened office door.

Figure 4: Left: Point cloud. Middle and right: Extracted planes and semantic interpretation.
\epsfxsize =5.1cm \epsffile{point_cloud.eps}
...e =11.5cm \epsffile{semantic.eps}

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root 2003-08-06